It’s tough out there! The competition for friends, acquaintances and romantic partners is brutal, and any advantage is welcome. A smile that boasts gorgeous, straight teeth is a superb asset. If you’re an adult with crooked or misaligned teeth, now is the time to get that superstar smile you have always wanted (and deserved!). 

Many of the patients here at Ortho Inc. started their orthodontic treatment when they were in their 20s or older. Our modern and inviting facilities are designed to ensure the comfort of kids and adults. From pleasant waiting areas to well-equipped treatment rooms, we make your orthodontic experience pleasant, rewarding and stress-free.

It’s a well-known fact that when meeting someone new, people first notice that person’s eyes and smile. You can’t take back a first impression. Be that person who “wows” others with a stunning smile! 

In addition to making others feel good, you will also reap rewards. Here’s how.

If you’ve always tended to be a wallflower in social settings and worried that your smile doesn’t measure up to everyone else’s, that notion will cease to be an issue. Your anxiety will be knocked down a few notches. 

Your confidence and comfort levels will soar. You’ll be poised when walking up to people (especially a prospective romantic partner) and introducing yourself. Your self-assurance and aplomb will impress them, and they’ll feel more comfortable being in your company. 

Your personal and business circles will widen because you’ll be more open to participating in in-person social and work-related activities. That adage “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know” holds a lot of much-needed sway in today’s impersonal, tech-ruled world. 

Grinners are winners. A smile shows that you’re open to conversation. If you’re at a social gathering and hanging out with a straight face, people will hesitate to approach you because they don’t want to be rebuffed or rejected. But your lit-up face will relay that you’re happy and approachable. Who wouldn’t be attracted to that? 

Whether you’re considering traditional braces or exploring the latest in clear aligner technology, Ortho Inc. offers a comprehensive range of treatment options to suit your needs and lifestyle. Please call us today to make an appointment!

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