Orthodontics Offer You a Beautiful and Healthy Smile

April 19, 2023

Children undergo orthodontic treatment because their teeth are crowded and/or crooked. In other instances, their teeth are straight, but their lower and upper jaws align poorly with each other. These problems can be due to genetics, thumb-sucking, an injury, or the loss of baby teeth prematurely or behind schedule.
Orthodontists are specialists in how to properly aligned teeth. They possess the skills and experience to give their patients of all ages the most attractive smiles. At the office of Orthodontics, Inc., our skilled professionals are experts in orthodontic techniques, offering the latest in treatments and patient education to create the healthiest, most attractive teeth for everyone who comes in to see us.
Straight teeth provide you with a stunning smile, but they also offer a healthier mouth. Abnormal bites have the potential to spark further oral problems such as jaw problems, tooth decay, gum disease, enamel erosion, the loss of teeth, and abnormal speech and chewing patterns.
Abnormal bites become apparent usually between ages 6 and 12, which is why orthodontic treatment often starts between 8 and 14. Treatment while a child’s jaw is still developing produces the best results. (Adults with healthy teeth can also have orthodontic treatment.)
Someone’s treatment period is based on his/her condition. The usual course is from one to three years. Immediately after the therapy, patients must wear a retainer to keep their teeth in place. Their orthodontists decide how long a retainer must be worn. Deviations from an orthodontist’s instructions can result in teeth shifting to their previous positions.
The aesthetics of orthodontic appliances have come a long way since the days when “railroad tracks” were the norm. Your method of treatment will depend on the degree of your needs and which system will be the most effective way to accomplish the mission.
“Railroad tracks” are metal bands inserted around each tooth and connected by wires that are periodically adjusted to shift your teeth and jaw. Clear braces, which are cemented to the fronts of teeth, also include wires and periodic adjustment. Invisible aligners let a patient remove them while he eats or brushes his teeth.
The office of Orthodontics, Inc. will examine every aspect of your teeth’s alignment and discuss with you your treatment options. We maintain a position at the forefront of advances in orthodontic care, as well as offer effective solutions to improve the look, feel and function of your teeth. Please don’t hesitate to call us for an appointment.